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FocusSight64's Videos

Profile | Bio | Ranks (18) | Records | Awards | New Stats (02-01-20) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile
Game Level Category Division Rank Stat Video Codec Size Order Asc Date Added
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Times Shadow 18 / 45 3'45"872 Embedded --- --- 02-26-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Rings Sonic 15 / 45 317 Embedded --- --- 03-29-13
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Hard Times Silver 6 / 29 2'07"796 Embedded --- --- 04-05-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Times Shadow 5 / 55 0'26"416 Embedded --- --- 04-16-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Times Shadow 15 / 51 3'08"231 Embedded --- --- 06-23-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Hard Times Shadow 8 / 26 4'28"528 Embedded --- --- 06-24-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Hard Times Silver 7 / 25 2'48"086 Embedded --- --- 06-24-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 17 Times Silver 7 / 38 0'03"016 Embedded --- --- 06-24-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base Times Sonic 11 / 61 2'28"567 Embedded --- --- 06-28-13
Shadow the Hedgehog Black Bull Bosses Pure Hero 33 / 78 0:15:73 Embedded --- --- 06-30-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City - Hard Times Silver 7 / 30 2'15"161 Embedded --- --- 07-03-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train - Hard Times Sonic 10 / 39 1'41"319 Embedded --- --- 07-03-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Hard Times Sonic 6 / 38 3'08"364 Embedded --- --- 07-03-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Hard Times Sonic 8 / 39 2'29"549 Embedded --- --- 07-09-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Hard Times Silver 4 / 27 1'47"308 Embedded --- --- 07-09-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Rings Sonic 34 / 54 180 Embedded --- --- 07-09-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Iblis Phase 2 Times Sonic 25 / 55 2'36"939 Embedded --- --- 07-17-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Times Shadow 8 / 45 2'10"662 Embedded --- --- 07-19-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Times Silver 9 / 53 1'53"859 Embedded --- --- 07-20-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Times Silver 11 / 38 0'46"466 Embedded --- --- 07-28-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 8 Times Silver 11 / 35 0'45"816 Embedded --- --- 07-30-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 10 Times Shadow 9 / 31 0'04"166 Embedded --- --- 08-08-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 10 Times Shadow 9 / 31 0'04"083 Embedded --- --- 08-08-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 10 Times Shadow 8 / 31 0'03"516 Embedded --- --- 08-08-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Team Attack Amigo Times Extra 12 / 18 13'58"706 Embedded --- --- 08-13-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Team Attack Amigo Times Extra 6 / 18 11'13"513 Embedded --- --- 08-16-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Times Silver 10 / 41 2'39"416 Embedded --- --- 08-17-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Hard Times Silver 5 / 23 2'54"319 Embedded --- --- 08-17-13
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Hard Times Silver 5 / 29 1'53"559 Embedded --- --- 08-17-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train - Hard Times Silver 8 / 25 2'00"227 Embedded --- --- 08-18-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle - Hard Times Silver 5 / 29 0'57"249 Embedded --- --- 08-18-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Hard Times Shadow 6 / 26 3'00"216 Embedded --- --- 08-19-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City Times Shadow 13 / 47 5'12"502 Embedded --- --- 08-22-13
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Rooftop Run 3 Times Day 34 / 78 0:40:53 Embedded --- --- 08-23-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Hard Times Shadow 7 / 30 1'52"892 Embedded --- --- 08-25-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle - Hard Times Sonic 6 / 39 1'52"576 Embedded --- --- 09-01-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Very Hard Times Sonic 10 / 22 1'09"978 Embedded --- --- 09-02-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train - Very Hard Times Shadow 7 / 12 3'10"064 Embedded --- --- 09-02-13
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Very Hard Times Silver 5 / 15 3'40"756 Embedded --- --- 09-05-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Very Hard Times Silver 3 / 10 2'47"720 Embedded --- --- 09-06-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 14 Times Sonic 4 / 41 0'06"158 Embedded --- --- 09-12-13
Sonic Rush Zone X 3 Time Attack Sonic 11 / 55 0:47:03 Embedded --- --- 09-24-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Very Hard Times Shadow 2 / 14 3'24"260 Embedded --- --- 09-28-13
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Hard Scores Silver 2 / 23 73,140 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Very Hard Times Sonic 5 / 22 0'59"236 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Crisis City - Hard Times Shadow 5 / 26 4'46"707 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Hard Times Shadow 5 / 26 3'48"238 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Radical Train Rings Silver 1 / 32 142 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle - Very Hard Times Sonic 4 / 19 1'38"023 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Hard Rings Shadow 1 / 22 745 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Very Hard Times Silver 3 / 13 1'42"174 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Team Attack Amigo Times Extra 5 / 18 10'45"319 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Cerberus Scores Sonic 1 / 46 34,760 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 11 Times Silver 2 / 34 0'02"483 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 14 Rings Shadow 1 / 32 11 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 15 Scores Silver 3 / 30 74,000 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 16 Times Silver 5 / 34 0'09"883 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic 4: Episode II Sylvania Castle 1 Times Super Sonic 6 / 17 0:42:98 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic 4: Episode II Sylvania Castle 3 Scores Super Sonic 2 / 10 122,844 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic 4: Episode II White Park 3 Scores Super Sonic 2 / 8 106,440 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic 4: Episode II Oil Desert 1 Scores Super Sonic 3 / 10 155,874 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic 4: Episode II Death Egg mk II 1 Times Super Sonic 2 / 11 2:08:11 Embedded --- --- 01-12-15
Sonic Colors DS Planet Wisp 3 Extra Sonic 3 / 14 33,433 Embedded --- --- 01-13-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 10 Times Shadow 3 / 31 0'02"833 Embedded --- --- 01-19-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 13 Times Sonic 4 / 42 0'29"908 Embedded --- --- 01-19-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Times Sonic 3 / 46 0'10"941 Embedded --- --- 01-20-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Very Hard Times Shadow 4 / 15 0'57"882 Embedded --- --- 01-21-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Times Sonic 2 / 46 0'10"174 Embedded --- --- 01-21-15
Sonic Unleashed DLC Jungle Joyride 4 Rings Day 1 / 15 120 Embedded --- --- 01-21-15
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Hard Times Sonic 3 / 46 1'11"447 Embedded --- --- 01-22-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Hard Times Sonic 6 / 39 2'11"252 Embedded --- --- 01-24-15
Sonic Unleashed DLC Skyscraper Scamper 3 Rings Day 7 / 10 1139 Embedded --- --- 01-25-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 9 Times Sonic 3 / 42 0'01"449 Embedded --- --- 01-28-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Very Hard Times Sonic 3 / 21 1'21"761 Embedded --- --- 02-07-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 1 Times Sonic 2 / 59 0'05"900 Embedded --- --- 02-18-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 10 Scores Sonic 3 / 34 48,200 Embedded --- --- 02-18-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 12 Times Sonic 4 / 51 0'14"116 Embedded --- --- 02-18-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 8 Times Silver 2 / 35 0'28"816 Embedded --- --- 02-26-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 14 Times Sonic 1 / 41 0'05"649 Embedded --- --- 02-26-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 4 Times Sonic 2 / 40 0'21"533 Embedded --- --- 02-28-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Wyvern Times Sonic 13 / 56 0'19"933 Embedded --- --- 03-15-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Times Shadow 7 / 51 2'36"372 Embedded --- --- 03-20-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 7 Scores Shadow 2 / 30 81,400 Embedded --- --- 03-22-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 13 Times Shadow 2 / 31 0'36"449 Embedded --- --- 03-22-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Times Shadow 6 / 45 1'36"156 Embedded --- --- 04-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core Times Shadow 6 / 44 2'45"603 Embedded --- --- 04-16-15
Sonic the Fighters Casino Night Times Fang 2 / 11 0:29:71 Embedded --- --- 04-26-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 4 Times Shadow 4 / 34 0'32"783 Embedded --- --- 05-02-15
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Very Hard Times Shadow 3 / 16 3'50"487 Embedded --- --- 06-12-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 8 Scores Shadow 1 / 30 69,780 Embedded --- --- 06-27-15
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 11 Scores Shadow 1 / 30 38,000 Embedded --- --- 07-01-15
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort Boss Bosses Sonic 1 / 66 0:21:20 Embedded --- --- 07-14-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 19 Scores Sonic 6 / 37 35,960 Embedded --- --- 07-22-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 3 Times Silver 3 / 29 1'05"182 Embedded --- --- 07-22-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 19 Times Sonic 2 / 45 0'18"391 Embedded --- --- 07-23-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 19 Scores Sonic 2 / 37 36,360 Embedded --- --- 07-23-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 4 Times Silver 1 / 32 0'42"166 Embedded --- --- 07-23-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 6 Times Sonic 2 / 41 0'19"808 Embedded --- --- 07-23-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley Rings Silver 1 / 30 334 Embedded --- --- 07-30-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Rings Shadow 1 / 34 215 Embedded --- --- 07-31-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Rings Shadow 1 / 36 210 Embedded --- --- 08-03-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle - Hard Rings Silver 1 / 25 156 Embedded --- --- 08-03-17
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Very Hard Scores Sonic 1 / 15 165,560 Embedded --- --- 08-04-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Scores Sonic 2 / 44 39,740 Embedded --- --- 08-04-17
Sonic 4: Episode II White Park 1 Scores Super Sonic 2 / 8 108,340 Embedded --- --- 09-15-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean - Hard Times Shadow 1 / 32 1'28"171 Embedded --- --- 09-27-17
Sonic The Hedgehog Team Attack Amigo Times Extra 1 / 18 8'29"819 Embedded --- --- 03-03-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 14 Times Silver 1 / 33 1'24"203 Embedded --- --- 04-16-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Iblis Phase 1 Times Silver 4 / 53 0'40"849 Embedded --- --- 04-23-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Hard Times Silver 1 / 25 1'18"518 Embedded --- --- 04-26-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Hard Times Silver 1 / 22 3'46"122 Embedded --- --- 04-27-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Flame Core - Very Hard Times Silver 1 / 13 3'52"786 Embedded --- --- 04-27-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Boss Attack Times Silver 1 / 10 10'32"206 Embedded --- --- 04-27-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Boss Attack Scores Silver 1 / 11 115,120 Embedded --- --- 04-28-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 13 Times Silver 2 / 29 1'33"222 Embedded --- --- 04-30-19
Sonic The Hedgehog White Acropolis - Hard Times Silver 1 / 29 1'15"968 Embedded --- --- 04-30-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Kingdom Valley - Hard Times Silver 1 / 23 1'43"438 Embedded --- --- 05-01-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Wave Ocean Times Silver 2 / 56 0'34"166 Embedded --- --- 05-17-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 8 Times Sonic 2 / 40 1'12"081 Embedded --- --- 08-17-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert Times Silver 3 / 48 1'19"652 Embedded --- --- 08-30-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Dusty Desert - Hard Times Silver 1 / 27 1'23"653 Embedded --- --- 08-30-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Aquatic Base - Very Hard Times Silver 1 / 13 1'25"787 Embedded --- --- 08-30-19
Sonic The Hedgehog Iblis Phase 1 Times Silver 3 / 53 0'38"466 Embedded --- --- 12-13-19

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Player ID: 5287
Hits: 3,854 | Hits This Month: 10 | DB Calls: 18 | Mem Usage: 897.40 KB | Time: 0.10s | Printable

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